Claudia Perez: A Journey of Sacrifice, Love, and Return

Claudia Perez, a Mexican immigrant living in Chicago for the past 25 years, has always yearned for her homeland and the loved ones she left behind. Despite a successful street vending business in Little Village, she chose to leave her life in the U.S. due to health concerns and a desire to spend her remaining years with her aging siblings and visit her parents’ graves in Mexico. Her decision illustrates the dilemma faced by many undocumented immigrants who, after years of living in the United States, choose to return to their countries of origin to be with family and prepare for their own mortality. While her family in Chicago remained, Perez’s return was a bittersweet moment filled with both joy and sorrow.

Rent crisis tears family apart as mum and daughter separated by distance

Single mum Michaela, 23, and her 8-year-old daughter are separated by almost 700km due to Australia’s rental crisis. Michaela has been unable to find a rental near job opportunities and schools, while sharehouses have rejected her multiple times because she has a child. The crisis is forcing families to make impossible choices between food and shelter, with data showing that only 0.6% of rentals are affordable for people on minimum wage. Single mothers are particularly vulnerable, with over half spending 50-70% of their income on rent, and many resorting to dangerous living conditions.

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