A new documentary, “The Private Album of Elsa Schiaparelli,” delves into the personal life of the influential fashion designer, shedding light on her multifaceted personality and groundbreaking contributions to the world of fashion. Directed by Antonia Petta and Gabriel Dietrich, the film features intimate interviews with Marisa Schiaparelli Berenson, Elsa’s granddaughter, and rare archival footage, providing a unique glimpse into the designer’s life beyond her iconic creations.
Results for: Fashion Documentary
This documentary, inspired by a popular podcast, delves into the tumultuous and transformative 1990s fashion scene. Witness the rise of supermodels, the evolution of red carpet style, and the legendary designers who shaped the decade. Through the eyes of Vogue editors Anna Wintour, Hamish Bowles, and Toni Goodman, prepare to be captivated by the defining stories of the era.
Unzipped, a documentary that chronicles the creation of Isaac Mizrahi’s fall 1994 collection, remains a timeless and insightful look into the fashion world. This oral history, featuring interviews with director Douglas Keeve and Isaac Mizrahi, reveals the film’s behind-the-scenes stories and its lasting impact on the industry.
From supermodels to grunge and Tom Ford’s Gucci, ‘In Vogue: The 90s’ takes viewers on a thrilling journey through the transformative decade in fashion, as told by Vogue editors and fashion icons. The six-part series, premiering on Disney+, promises a definitive look at the fashion industry during this iconic era.