Regina Friendship Centre Issues Warning After Recent Drug Overdoses

Regina’s Newo Yotina Friendship Centre has sent out a public warning after recent drug overdoses in the city. The centre’s harm reduction program uses a Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) machine to test street drugs, and has recently detected fentanyl, xylazine, and benzodiazepines in samples. Harm reduction manager Emile Gariepy said the mixture is potent and can be difficult to reverse with Narcan. He encourages residents to use the FTIR drug-checking machine and practice safe drug use. Fire Chief Layne Jackson reported 14 overdose incidents in the city in the past week, mainly in the inner city and city centre.

Border Crisis Spotlight in Pennsylvania Senate Race

GOP candidate Dave McCormick criticizes President Biden’s handling of the border crisis, calling it a “leadership failure.” McCormick, who has made border security a key issue in his campaign, claims that Senate Democrats are more interested in politics than solving the crisis. Democratic incumbent Bob Casey has also expressed concern over the border situation but has been criticized by Republicans for his voting record on immigration issues.

Surge in Chinese Illegal Crossings Concerns Lawmakers, Officials

Chinese illegal immigrants are crossing the US-Mexico border in record numbers, raising concerns about potential espionage and the flow of fentanyl into the country. Border authorities apprehended over 200 Chinese nationals in San Diego Sector alone on May 1 and May 2, surpassing the total number encountered in all of Fiscal Year 2021. Lawmakers have expressed concerns that the Chinese Communist Party may be directing some of these immigrants to engage in espionage, while others have raised alarms about the use of Chinese precursors in fentanyl production. The Biden administration has emphasized consequences for illegal entry, but the majority of Chinese immigrants are mass released due to China’s lack of cooperation with deportation flights.

Fentanyl: A Looming Threat to National Security

The United States is facing a drug crisis fueled by fentanyl, a potent opioid that has sparked countless overdoses and deaths. Amidst this crisis, Congressman Jim Banks (R-Ind.) is calling on the Biden administration to classify fentanyl as a biological and chemical weapon, citing China’s role in fueling the crisis.

Inhaling Fentanyl Can Cause Irreversible Brain Damage, Study Warns

Inhaling fentanyl, a synthetic opioid approved by the US FDA for pain relief and anesthesia, can lead to irreversible brain damage, according to a study published in BMJ Case Reports. The study highlights the potential risks associated with fentanyl use, which is known to be 50 times more potent than heroin and widely available at a low cost. Doctors warn that fentanyl inhalation can cause toxic leukoencephalopathy, leading to inflammation and damage to the brain’s white matter. Such damage can result in unconsciousness and potentially irreversible loss of brain function. The study emphasizes the importance of understanding the severe consequences of fentanyl misuse and the need for appropriate precautions and treatment measures.

Portland’s Fentanyl Crisis: Homeless Mother Gives Birth in Tent, Baby Remains Hospitalized

A homeless woman addicted to fentanyl gave birth in her tent near a fire station two weeks ago. The baby remains in the hospital, while the mother is back on the streets. Doctors say the use of fentanyl in pregnancy has increased in recent years, and they are still learning how to treat newborns withdrawing from the drug. A team of Multnomah County outreach workers continues to try and help the mother, but she has declined their offers of treatment and housing.

Punnichy RCMP Seizes Methamphetamine, Fentanyl, and Weapons in Drug Trafficking Investigation

The Punnichy RCMP conducted two separate drug trafficking investigations, resulting in the seizure of significant quantities of drugs, weapons, and cash. In the first incident, police received a report of potentially armed individuals in a vehicle on the George Gordon First Nation. Officers located the vehicle and seized approximately 14 grams of methamphetamine, four grams of fentanyl, a machete, drug trafficking paraphernalia, and a sum of cash. Two men and a woman were arrested. In the second incident, RCMP executed a search warrant at a residence in Punnichy, seizing approximately 114 grams of methamphetamine, 25 grams of cocaine, 17 grams of fentanyl, over 100 grams of cannabis, drug trafficking paraphernalia, a crossbow, a throwing star, numerous knives, and a sum of cash. Two individuals were arrested.

Sammy’s Law: Protecting Children from Social Media Dangers

Following the tragic death of their 16-year-old son Sammy, who purchased a fentanyl-laced pill on Snapchat, Sam Chapman and Laura Berman are advocating for Sammy’s Law. This legislation (SB 1444) aims to require major social media platforms to allow integration with third-party monitoring software, empowering parents to detect potential dangers such as drug sales, firearm sales, bullying, or suicidal thoughts on their children’s accounts. While the bill faces opposition from technology industry groups and civil liberty organizations citing concerns about user privacy and data misuse, it has incorporated safeguards and amendments to address these issues. If passed, Sammy’s Law would potentially have a significant impact by protecting children from social media-related risks and driving changes in social media companies’ practices at a national level through the ‘California Effect.’

Jersey City to Offer Free Life-Saving Resources at 24-Hour Health Kiosk

Jersey City is set to establish a 24-hour health kiosk outside City Hall, providing free testing strips for deadly drugs, life-saving Narcan, and COVID-19 tests to residents. This pilot program aims to combat the opioid crisis and provide harm reduction measures. The kiosk will be the first in New Jersey to offer rapid fentanyl tests approved by the Food and Drug Administration, along with other intervention strategies.

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