Surrey Firefighter Hit by Pickup Truck While Walking Home

A Surrey firefighter was hit by a pickup truck while walking home from a neighbor’s house on Sunday afternoon. The firefighter, Brennon Quennell, was walking on the narrow gravel shoulder of 74 Avenue just before 192 Street around 4:55 p.m. when he was hit from behind by a grey pickup truck. The truck did not appear to slow down and sent Quennell tumbling into the waterlogged ditch. Quennell suffered only minor injuries, but his family has experienced the deadly nature of local roads before. In December 2019, his mother-in-law was struck and killed by a vehicle while using a crosswalk at 192 Street and 80 Avenue. Quennell says he is upset that he cannot walk safely in front of his own home and has spoken with the city several times about the need to slow down vehicles or create a path for pedestrians. Surrey Coun. Linda Annis called the video of the incident “shocking” and says more needs to be done to increase safety in the area.

Vanessa Hudgens’ Late Father: A Tribute to a Supportive Parent and Firefighter

Vanessa Hudgens credits her success to her late father, Greg, a firefighter who made sacrifices for her career. Despite prioritizing Vanessa’s education, Greg supported her dreams. Greg passed away in 2016 after a battle with stage 4 cancer, leaving Vanessa eternally grateful for his guidance. Vanessa’s mother, Gina, also played a crucial role, providing unwavering support and optimism. Together, Vanessa and Gina are working on a documentary highlighting their family’s immigrant journey and the inspiring women in their lives.

Onondaga County Mourns Lieutenant Michael Hoosock at Funeral Procession

Onondaga County Sheriff’s Lieutenant Michael Hoosock, a devoted public servant who served as a cop, firefighter, and paramedic, was laid to rest in a heartfelt funeral procession. Thousands gathered to pay their respects to the fallen hero who sacrificed his life in the line of duty. The funeral, held at the New York State Fairgrounds, was marked by touching tributes from family, friends, and fellow officers who hailed him as a man who touched countless lives.

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