75 Hard: The Extreme Fitness Challenge

75 Hard, a popular fitness challenge, has gained immense attention with over 44 million posts on TikTok. The challenge involves following strict daily rules for 75 days, including two daily workouts, a specific diet, and a progress photo. While 75 Hard claims to be a transformative mental toughness program, experts warn about potential risks, including overtraining syndrome and negative body image. Personal trainer and nutritionist Eleanor Heaton-Armstrong advises approaching health changes with flexibility and personalization, emphasizing sustainability over extreme restrictions.

A Quarter of Brits Don’t Know How to Ride a Bike, Study Reveals

A recent poll of 2,000 adults in the UK found that 22% are unable to ride a bike, a significant increase from just one in eight five years ago. The study also revealed that 46% cannot rollerblade, and 28% do not know how to swim. Fear of falling, embarrassment, and lack of skill were cited as the main reasons for not participating in these activities. Despite these concerns, 81% of respondents believe it’s important to continue learning new things as they age, and 78% are inspired by older people who master new skills.

Jaque Khury Compartilha Treino de Pernas em Vídeo nas Redes Sociais

A atleta e influenciadora Jaque Khury postou um vídeo em suas redes sociais na sexta-feira (24/05) mostrando sua rotina de exercícios para as pernas na academia. O vídeo foi compartilhado nos stories do Instagram de Khury, exibindo seus treinos intensos e sua dedicação ao condicionamento físico. Khury é conhecida por sua paixão por exercícios e por inspirar seus seguidores a adotar um estilo de vida saudável e ativo.

Joe Wicks’ Menopause Workouts Spark Controversy

Fitness guru Joe Wicks has come under fire for his new ‘menopause workouts’, which some critics argue perpetuate the stereotype that menopausal women are weak and incapable. Wicks, who gained fame during the Covid lockdown with his home workouts, has defended the new content, saying that it is designed to be low-impact and accessible for women who may be experiencing fatigue and joint pain. However, many women have expressed concern that the workouts reinforce the idea that menopause is a debilitating condition. Fitness experts say that while menopausal women may need to adjust their workouts, it is not necessary to dial down on intensity. They emphasize the importance of strength training to prevent muscle loss and osteoporosis. However, they also acknowledge that barriers to movement exist for menopausal women, and that Wicks’ workouts may provide support for those who are struggling to stay active.

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