Relentless Storms Batter Southern China, Forcing Town Evacuation

Devastating rains, hail, and hurricane-force winds have wreaked havoc in southern China, forcing the evacuation of an entire town in Guangdong province. The township of Jiangwan, with over 1,700 residents, was evacuated as floods surged, cutting off power and communications. The province has seen record-breaking rainfall, leading to mudslides, flooded homes, and destroyed bridges. The storms, attributed to El Nino and a subtropical high, have already claimed four lives and threaten to worsen the situation.

Canadian Health Professionals Urged to Prepare Patients for Climate Change-Related Disasters

As extreme weather events become more prevalent due to climate change, health professionals are being urged to help their patients prepare and reduce the risks associated with these disasters. Simple and cost-effective measures like cleaning gutters, installing blinds in windows, and sharing resources on home protection can significantly mitigate the impacts of flooding, wildfires, and extreme heat.

Peguis First Nation Files $1 Billion Lawsuit Over Floods

Peguis First Nation, Manitoba’s largest First Nation, has filed a $1 billion flood-damages lawsuit against the federal and provincial governments, as well as two municipalities located upstream. The lawsuit seeks compensation for financial losses and other damages that occurred during a series of floods along the Fisher River, particularly the devastating 2022 flood. Peguis is also seeking damages for the costs of fighting the flood and cleaning up after it, as well as for the breach of duty and care and negligence in failing to prevent or remedy the disaster. This lawsuit is part of a broader struggle by Peguis First Nation to receive compensation for the lands it lost after European settlers arrived in the province.

Floods, Storms Dominate Climate-Related Hazards in Asia, WMO Reports

In 2023, Asia bore the brunt of climate change impacts, as floods and storms accounted for most climate-related disasters, according to a report by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). These events killed over 2,000 people, affected millions more, and caused significant economic losses. Southern China, in particular, faced severe flooding, with over 100,000 evacuations in the Pearl River Delta region. Additionally, extreme heat and accelerated glacier melting were recorded across the continent, highlighting the urgent need for climate adaptation and mitigation measures.

Asia Faces Climate Change Calamities: Floods and Storms Dominate Disasters

According to the United Nations, climate-related disasters, primarily floods and storms, devastated Asia in 2023, causing numerous fatalities and severe economic losses. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) warns that heatwaves in the region are intensifying, threatening water security. Asia experienced a significant temperature increase of approximately two degrees Celsius last year compared to global average warming. The WMO emphasizes the urgency of addressing these climate challenges, especially through emission reductions and adaptation measures.

Europe’s Climate in 2023: A Tale of Extremes

In 2023, Europe experienced a year of extreme weather events, including devastating floods in northern countries and widespread drought in the south. The European State of the Climate report highlights that the continent is warming up twice as fast as the global average, leading to an increase in the frequency and severity of extreme events.

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