From Abused Child to Childcare Advocate: One Woman’s Journey of Resilience and Forgiveness

At age six, Paris Bartholomew’s horrifying injuries revealed years of abuse at the hands of her mother. Taken into care, she faced further trauma in foster homes. Yet, amidst the pain, she found resilience in education and a passion for helping others like her. Today, she advocates for abused children, shares her story, and works to improve the care system. Her journey is a testament to the power of resilience, forgiveness, and making a positive impact despite adversity.

Kathie Lee Gifford on Forgiveness, Marriage, and Her Decision to Stay with Frank After Infidelity

Kathie Lee Gifford’s new book, ‘I Want to Matter: Your Life Is Too Short and Too Precious to Waste’, explores her decision to stay in her marriage after Frank Gifford’s infidelity.

Gifford, 70, says she struggled with the concept of forgiveness but ultimately decided to stay in the marriage for the sake of her children and her own happiness.

‘I could have let the seed germinate but I don’t want to be that person, that bitter, angry, unhappy, miserable human being ’cause you know what you end up doing? You end up making everybody around you every bit as miserable,’ she shares.

‘I have always felt from my earliest youth that I had the choice every day of my life to be a blessing or a burden and I want to be a blessing.’

She adds that she learned the importance of forgiveness in her first marriage, which ended in divorce. ‘I’d been married before to a man who betrayed me deeply and I forgave him right away. You don’t hold on, don’t wait to forgive… you’re only hurting yourself,” she says.

‘Immediately forgive because love cannot live where hate does.’

Gifford says that she still finds peace in her decision to forgive Frank, even though it was a difficult road at the time.

‘People always say to me, ‘Do you have a statement?’ I say, ‘You know what? We are our statement,” she says.

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