Telegram Founder Arrested in France: Political Fallout and International Concerns

Pavel Durov, the founder of the messaging app Telegram, has been arrested in France on serious charges, sparking international concern and allegations of political motives. Russia claims the arrest was orchestrated by the US, while the UAE seeks consular access to Durov. The arrest has also raised alarms about the potential impact on communication in the Ukraine war and the future of free speech online.

Macron Meets Le Pen Amid French Political Deadlock

French President Emmanuel Macron hosted far-right leader Marine Le Pen for talks, as he faces increasing pressure to name a prime minister after the inconclusive parliamentary elections. The meeting comes amid a political stalemate with no single party holding a majority in the National Assembly, forcing Macron to navigate a complex political landscape.

Telegram CEO Pavel Durov Arrested in France on Serious Charges

Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was arrested in France over the weekend on charges of money laundering, drug trafficking, human trafficking, and child sexual exploitation. The arrest comes after an investigation by French authorities, who allege that Durov was involved in the possession and distribution of child sexual abuse content. Telegram has denied the allegations and stated that they comply with EU laws.

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