Yalitza Aparicio, the renowned Mexican actress, graced the Vogue Day of the Dead Gala 2024, presented by Don Julio, in a stunning ensemble that showcased the fusion of contemporary fashion and Mexican heritage. The vibrant pink dress, adorned with intricate blue embellishments and hand-embroidered details, was a testament to the talent of Chiapas-based designer Francisco Cancino, known for his unique blend of tradition and modernism.
Results for: Francisco Cancino
Mexican designer Francisco Cancino unveiled his vibrant ‘Plateros’ collection, a maximalist celebration of Mexican culture and heritage. Inspired by the iconic Maderos street in Mexico City, the collection showcased a riot of colors, textures, and patterns, reflecting the city’s rich history and diverse cultural influences. Cancino’s signature minimalist approach is evident in his use of traditional Mexican clothing elements, creating a modern and captivating interpretation of Mexican heritage.