Cuba’s Power Crisis: A Symptom of a Deeper Economic Crisis and a Looming Demographic Time Bomb

Cuba is grappling with severe power blackouts due to an outdated infrastructure, fuel shortages, and a struggling economy. The situation has worsened during hurricane season, highlighting the island’s reliance on oil imports. The crisis is causing mass emigration, shrinking the Cuban population and creating a demographic time bomb. The situation raises concerns about Cuba’s long-term prospects and its ability to address these pressing challenges.

Cuba Plunges into Darkness: A Perfect Storm of Power Outages and Economic Crisis

Cuba is experiencing a severe power crisis, with the national electrical grid collapsing for the fourth time in 48 hours. This crisis, fueled by aging infrastructure, fuel shortages, and a lack of investment in renewable energy, is pushing the island nation into a state of economic and social turmoil. The situation has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and US sanctions, forcing the government to implement drastic measures to manage the crisis.

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