South Korea: A Success Story with a Dark Side

South Korea has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent decades, becoming a global economic and technological powerhouse. However, it also faces challenges such as a low birth rate, gender and class inequalities, and corruption. This article highlights six books and a film that provide insights into the country’s complexities.

Women’s Representation in Himachal Pradesh Politics

Despite women constituting nearly 50% of voters in Himachal Pradesh, their representation in politics remains low. Only three women have been elected to Lok Sabha in the past 72 years, and only two are contesting in the upcoming elections. Both BJP and BSP have nominated female candidates, with actress Kangana Ranaut contesting from Mandi and Rekha Rani from Kangra. Experts attribute this low representation to the dominance of male decision-makers and the lack of opportunities for women from humble backgrounds. Historically, successful female candidates have belonged to royal families, and women were reluctant to pursue higher political positions. Political parties also play a role, with a tendency to overlook women with limited means. Despite high voter turnout among women, especially in rural areas, their representation remains disproportionately low.

Women Underrepresented in Lok Sabha Election Candidacies, Reflecting Gender Bias in Politics

Despite talk of women’s empowerment, women remain significantly underrepresented among candidates in the Lok Sabha elections. In the first two phases, women constituted only 8% of the total candidates, sparking concerns about the lack of progress in promoting gender equality in politics. This underrepresentation raises questions about the barriers hindering women’s full participation in the political sphere and the need for concrete steps to address gender bias within political systems.

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