Get a sneak peek at the upcoming animated film ‘The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep’ with an exclusive clip featuring Geralt and Jaskier. The film, set between seasons 1 of the live-action series, delves into a conflict between humans and merpeople and promises a captivating story with familiar characters and new faces.
Results for: Geralt of Rivia
Geralt of Rivia, the beloved protagonist of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, will be making a return in The Witcher 4, but not as the main character. This news comes from Geralt’s voice actor, Doug Cockle, confirming the presence of the iconic character in the next installment of the popular franchise.
Prepare for a new chapter in the realm of ‘The Witcher’ as Netflix introduces Liam Hemsworth as the enigmatic Geralt of Rivia in the upcoming Season 4. Hemsworth takes over the iconic role from Henry Cavill, who bid farewell to the beloved character after three captivating seasons. The eagerly anticipated Season 4 is currently in production in the United Kingdom, promising a continuation of the thrilling saga that has captivated audiences worldwide. Additionally, Netflix has unveiled plans to extend the Witcherverse with a fifth and final season, ensuring that the epic tale will reach its destined conclusion.