Dirty habits: Half of users don’t clean mobile phones after using them in the toilet

A new study has revealed that half of smartphone users don’t always clean their device after taking it to the toilet with them. The poll, of 2,000 adults, found 60 percent admit to heading into the loo with their phone – but many don’t give it a clean afterwards in the same way they do with their hands. Despite this, 57 percent then place their device on the kitchen counter, 47 percent pop it on the dining table, and 43 percent are then leaving the phone in their bed – potentially spreading germs. It also emerged three in 10 never disinfect their TV remotes – despite it being touched 5,475 times-a-year per person. But 49 percent admitted they have never thought about how germs are able to spread between people sharing household items. While items which are rarely or never cleaned goes beyond electronic devices – including salt and pepper shakers, kettles, condiments, and light switches.

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