Channel Your Inner Baker at the Big Cheshire Bake-Off

Get ready to unleash your inner baker at the Big Cheshire Bake-Off, a unique experience inspired by the Great British Bake Off. This immersive event, held at Millington Hall Farm in September, offers a chance to compete in a bake-off, learn from expert tutors, and enjoy a day of baking camaraderie. With delicious ingredients sourced locally, a welcome drink, and the opportunity to showcase your culinary skills, this event promises a fun and memorable experience for baking enthusiasts.

Sue Perkins Warns Against Psychedelic Drugs After Ayahuasca Misunderstanding on This Morning

Great British Bake Off star Sue Perkins has shared a cautionary tale about her experience with psychedelic drugs after a mix-up on This Morning. During an interview on the ITV show, Perkins and host Cat Deeley discussed her travels in Alaska. However, a mix-up in pronunciation led to Deeley mentioning the psychedelic drug Ayahuasca instead of Alaska. This prompted Perkins to issue a warning to viewers, saying, ‘Don’t do it kids.’ Perkins went on to describe her adventures in Alaska, including a violent encounter with a baby moose that almost dislocated her shoulder. She also reflected on the privilege of visiting remote and largely untouched areas on Earth. The interview highlighted the potential for misunderstandings and miscommunications when discussing sensitive or complex topics, particularly when pronunciations are similar.

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