Senate Faces Gridlock as Moderate Lawmakers Depart

The Senate faces potential increased gridlock with the departure of three moderate senators: Republican Mitt Romney, Independent Kyrsten Sinema, and Democrat Joe Manchin. Experts predict more polarization and stalemates as their seats are taken by more partisan successors. The 60-vote filibuster rule, which requires bipartisan support to pass legislation, may also be impacted by the change in senate dynamics.

House Freedom Caucus: Obstructionists or Active Policymakers?

The House Freedom Caucus, a group of far-right Republicans, has been a source of dysfunction in the House of Representatives. Despite their demands and threats to oust GOP leadership, they have accomplished little in the past year. Their insistence on maximalist wins instead of incremental gains has hindered conservative achievements and weakened Republican negotiating power. On issues like the debt ceiling and Ukraine aid, they have undermined their own leverage by rejecting compromise. Their primary campaign strategy revolves around painting Republican leaders as betrayers, playing into the narrative of ‘not as bad as the Democrats’ in their districts.

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