Hunter Biden’s Defense Team Banks on Hung Jury in Historic Criminal Gun Trial

Hunter Biden’s defense team is reportedly considering a strategy of relying on a hung jury in the first son’s criminal gun trial, as legal experts believe the prosecution has presented a strong case against him. Biden faces three firearm offenses related to the purchase of a handgun in 2018, while his defense argues that he was not actively using drugs at the time and did not consider himself an active addict. However, prosecutors have presented evidence of his drug use both before and after the purchase, including witness testimony, audio recordings from his memoir, and text messages indicating drug references. The defense team’s decision to focus on a possible hung jury could reflect the potential sympathy of the jury for Biden’s substance abuse struggles and the influence of the Biden family in Delaware.

First Lady Jill Biden Supports Hunter Biden in Gun Trial at Taxpayer Expense

First Lady Jill Biden traveled from France to Delaware and back to Europe, incurring significant taxpayer expenses, to support her stepson Hunter Biden in his gun trial. Hunter Biden is accused of lying about his drug addiction on a gun purchase form and illegally possessing a gun. The defense is considering calling Hunter Biden to testify, a move that carries both risks and potential rewards. The trial has revealed evidence of Hunter Biden’s addiction and his close relationship with his stepmother.

Hunter Biden’s Laptop Raises Questions About 2020 Election Interference

The authenticity of Hunter Biden’s laptop has been a subject of debate since it was first reported in 2020. Former intelligence officials and members of the Biden campaign initially dismissed the laptop as Russian disinformation, but it has since been entered into evidence in Hunter Biden’s gun trial. The laptop’s contents include text messages, metadata, photos, and short videos that could potentially shed light on Hunter Biden’s business dealings and drug use. The introduction of the laptop into evidence has raised questions about the role of the Biden campaign in suppressing the story before the 2020 election.

Hunter Biden Faces Legal Challenges: Federal Gun Trial, Tax Charges, and Allegations of Lying to Congress

Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, is facing multiple legal challenges, including a upcoming federal trial on gun charges, tax crimes in California, and allegations of making false statements to Congress. The gun trial is set to begin on Monday, with accusations of making false statements when purchasing a firearm and illegal possession of a firearm by an unlawful drug user. Biden also is facing federal tax charges related to $1.4 million in unpaid taxes from 2017 to 2020 and making false tax reports. Additionally, House Republicans claim Biden lied under oath during a congressional deposition, misrepresenting his role at his firm, Rosemont Seneca, and involvement in obtaining a visa for a foreign national. The allegations of lying to Congress have not yet resulted in formal charges.

Hunter Biden’s Defense Strategy Focuses on Gun Form Tampering

In a federal court hearing related to Hunter Biden’s upcoming gun trial, his attorney, Abbe Lowell, suggested that the key federal gun form in question may have been altered by gun store employees. Lowell questioned whether Biden had actually filled out and signed the form, claiming that the government has evidence of tampering. The prosecution, however, maintained that any additions to the form were unrelated to the portions Biden allegedly filled out. The hearing also revealed that a gun store employee assisted Biden in filling out the form, and he may be called as a witness to testify. Biden’s defense team has consistently denied the charges against him and suggested political motivations behind the prosecution.

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