Ingestible Beauty: A Comprehensive Guide to Supplements for Gut and Skin Health

The beauty industry has expanded its focus to include holistic wellness, resulting in the surge in popularity of supplements. While they can enhance gut and skin health by addressing internal imbalances, it’s crucial to approach supplement selection carefully. Consider factors such as individual needs, potential interactions, and optimal timing for efficacy. Opt for high-quality supplements backed by research and third-party certifications. Remember that supplements should complement a healthy lifestyle and not replace it.

Artificial Sweeteners May Damage Gut, Turn Healthy Bacteria Into Agents of Disease

Common artificial sweeteners, including the newer neotame, may be causing serious damage to the gut and transforming healthy gut bacteria into dangerous agents of disease, according to a new study. While some artificial sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose have been linked to health problems, less research has been done on newer ones like neotame. The study found that neotame can directly damage the lining of the intestine and harm “good” bacteria, potentially leading to a range of health issues including intestinal inflammation and infections.

Professor Tim Spector’s Quick-Fix Lunch Recipe Boasts Health Benefits

Nutrition expert Professor Tim Spector has revealed his easy and healthy lunch recipe that takes just five minutes to make. The meal is packed with polyphenols, which have been linked to lower blood pressure, reduced cancer and heart disease risk, and improved gut health. The recipe includes precooked lentils, red cabbage, red onions, carrot and cabbage sauerkraut, pistachios, flaked almonds, spinach, and extra virgin olive oil.

Kefir: A ‘Superfood’ May Help Alleviate ADHD Symptoms in Children

Dr. Miguel Toribio-Mateas, a renowned neuroscientist, has suggested the consumption of kefir, a fermented milk beverage, as a potential aid in reducing ADHD symptoms in children. Research conducted by Dr. Mateas and his team, published in the BMJ Open journal, examined the impact of kefir on ADHD symptomatology, sleep quality, attention, and gut microbiome composition in children diagnosed with ADHD. The study, which lasted for six weeks, revealed improvements in impulsivity, hyperactivity, and sleep in the participants who consumed kefir daily.

Bioma: Personalized Probiotics for Optimal Gut Health

Bioma is revolutionizing gut health with personalized probiotic blends tailored to your unique gut type. By providing the right probiotic strains for your gut microbiome, Bioma effectively addresses digestive issues, boosts immunity, and promotes overall well-being. With science-backed ingredients and a 90-day money-back guarantee, Bioma empowers individuals to take control of their gut health naturally.

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