Moments from May 8: World Red Cross Day, VE Day, and More

World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day is celebrated every year on May 8th to honor the birth anniversary of Henry Dunant, founder of the International Committee of the Red Cross. This day was first observed in 1948 as International Red Cross Day and was later renamed World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day in 1984.

May 8, 1945 marked the end of World War II in Europe with the unconditional surrender of German forces, commemorated as Victory in Europe Day (VE Day). On May 8, 1933, Mahatma Gandhi initiated a 21-day fast to protest against untouchability.

The iconic Coca-Cola was first introduced on May 8, 1886, at Jacobs’ Pharmacy in Atlanta, Georgia by Dr. John Pemberton. May 8, 1970 saw the release of the Beatles’ final studio album, Let It Be, though it was preceded by the recording of Abbey Road.

Harry S. Truman, the 33rd President of the United States, was born on May 8, 1884. He held office from April 12, 1945, to January 20, 1953.

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