Sleepwalking: A Seemingly Harmless Ailment That Can Turn Fatal

Sleepwalking, a common occurrence particularly among children, can have dangerous consequences. This article explores the causes, risks, and treatment of sleepwalking, highlighting the tragic death of a 19-year-old in Mumbai who fell from his apartment while sleepwalking. It emphasizes the importance of seeking medical attention for frequent sleepwalking episodes and discusses various treatment options.

Sneezing: More Than Just a Tickle in Your Nose

Sneezing, a seemingly harmless bodily function, can have surprising and sometimes dangerous consequences. From bursting bowels to fractured bones, this article explores the potential risks associated with a forceful sneeze, highlighting the importance of understanding the power behind this seemingly simple act.

Listerine Mouthwash Linked to Cancer Risk: Study Sparks Concerns

A recent study has raised concerns about the potential health risks associated with regular use of Listerine mouthwash. Researchers found that daily use of Listerine could lead to an increase in bacteria linked to cancer and infections. The study suggests that alcohol-based mouthwashes may disrupt the natural balance of bacteria in the mouth, potentially contributing to health issues. Experts recommend using alcohol-free alternatives and limiting the use of alcohol-based mouthwashes.

Heatwave Grips Delhi: Temperatures Soar to Record-Breaking 52.3 Degrees Celsius

Delhi, India’s capital city, has experienced a record-breaking heatwave, with temperatures reaching 52.3 degrees Celsius on Wednesday. The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has warned of dangerous heat levels, highlighting the potential for heat-related illnesses and even death. The World Health Organization (WHO) emphasizes the cumulative stress on the human body during prolonged periods of high temperatures, contributing to increased morbidity and mortality. To mitigate the effects of heatwaves, the NDMA advises seeking shade, hydration, and medical attention as necessary. Heatwaves in India typically occur from March to June, with May witnessing the peak of the current heatwave.

FSSAI Warns Traders Against Calcium Carbide Use in Mango Ripening, Citing Health Risks

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), the country’s top food safety regulator, has once again raised the alarm about the use of calcium carbide to artificially ripen mangoes, stressing the severe health risks associated with this practice.
Calcium carbide, also known as ‘masala,’ releases acetylene gas that contains hazardous traces of arsenic and phosphorus. Consuming fruits ripened with calcium carbide can lead to symptoms like dizziness, excessive thirst, skin ulcers, and even vomiting. The FSSAI has urged traders and food businesses to strictly adhere to the ban on using calcium carbide, especially during the peak mango season.
As a safer alternative, the FSSAI recommends using ethylene gas for fruit ripening. Ethylene is a natural plant hormone that triggers the ripening process without posing any health risks.
To protect consumers from potentially harmful fruits, it is crucial to purchase from reputable sellers who prioritize safe ripening methods. Additionally, consumers should thoroughly wash fruits before eating and avoid those with black blotches or unnatural textures, which can indicate calcium carbide use.

Raw Milk Consumption for Bird Flu Immunity Raises Health Concerns

Health experts warn against consuming raw milk to gain immunity from bird flu, citing potential health risks and increased risk of virus transmission to humans. Despite these warnings, some proponents of raw milk remain unfazed, claiming that pasteurization is harmful. However, officials emphasize the low risk to the general public, the limited evidence on transmission through dairy products, and the need for ongoing research.

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