Failed Gen X: Neglect and Indoctrination Fuel Campus Unrest

Gen X, known for its lack of involvement in major historical events, bears some responsibility for the current campus unrest. As parents and educators, Gen Xers prioritized protecting their children over instilling discipline and critical thinking. They failed to notice the indoctrination taking place in classrooms and supported university leaders who promoted trendy and divisive ideologies. As a result, many young adults today are unprepared for real life, struggle with mental health issues, and perpetrate campus protests that disregard civil discourse.

Anxious Parents: We Need Help Too

Parents of high school seniors are facing a multitude of anxieties, from school shootings to the rising cost of college, that can turn even the most stoic parent into an insomniac mess. Despite the endless criticism and conflicting information they receive, parents are often blamed for their children’s perceived problems, even though they are increasingly isolated and expected to be solely responsible for their children’s well-being. It’s time to acknowledge the very real forces that can turn any parent into an anxious mess and offer them support and resources.

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