Renowned Hong Kong actor, comedian, and director Stephen Chow is venturing into variety show production, collaborating with iQiyi, a leading streaming platform in mainland China. The show, titled ‘The King of Comedy Stand-up Season,’ draws inspiration from Chow’s acclaimed movie of the same name. This partnership marks an extensive collaboration between Chow’s Bingo Group and iQiyi, encompassing drama series, variety shows, and animation projects. Chow’s prior collaborations include a deal with Douyin to produce mini-drama series for Chinese audiences, a format gaining significant popularity with short, digestible episodes.
Results for: Hong Kong cinema
Director Sam Wong Ming-sing’s latest film, Hyperthymesia, is an uneven mix of fantasy action and murder mystery. Despite its intriguing premise and talented cast, the film ultimately suffers from its excessive reliance on genre clichés and illogical plot developments. Nick Cheung Ka-fai delivers a self-aware performance as Kwok Man-bun, a former detective with a rare condition that allows him to recall every detail of his life. However, the film’s reliance on Kwok’s subconscious journeys and psychological gimmicks detracts from the main plot and results in a confusing and often unintentionally funny experience.