Toronto Condo Sales Hit Lowest Level Since 2009 Financial Crisis

New condo sales in the Toronto region have dropped to their lowest level since the 2009 financial crisis, with soaring purchase prices and higher borrowing costs deterring investors. Developers are putting projects on hold due to weak sales, further delaying the construction of new homes at a time when governments are trying to increase housing supply. Meanwhile, soaring existing home prices make affordable housing out of reach for many Canadians.

Rent crisis tears family apart as mum and daughter separated by distance

Single mum Michaela, 23, and her 8-year-old daughter are separated by almost 700km due to Australia’s rental crisis. Michaela has been unable to find a rental near job opportunities and schools, while sharehouses have rejected her multiple times because she has a child. The crisis is forcing families to make impossible choices between food and shelter, with data showing that only 0.6% of rentals are affordable for people on minimum wage. Single mothers are particularly vulnerable, with over half spending 50-70% of their income on rent, and many resorting to dangerous living conditions.

Colorado’s Legislative Session Nears End: Key Bills Advance Amid Tight Deadline

As the Colorado legislature’s 2024 session draws to a close, numerous bills are encountering rapid floor vote proceedings. The House has passed a gig worker protection bill and is set to consider several others, including a universal health care payment system study. Appropriations committees are balancing the state budget and reviewing bills’ impacts. Three housing-related bills have passed the House but face potential obstacles in the Senate, where land-use reforms have met resistance. Several resolutions are being debated, including proposals for reforming vacancy committee systems, property tax caps, and addressing law enforcement misconduct.

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