San Mateo County Adopts Revised Housing Plan Aiming for Compliance

A year after facing revisions, the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors has unanimously approved changes to its housing plan, dubbed the ‘housing element.’ The plan, which outlines how the county will address housing access for disadvantaged groups and tackle water and sewage issues, has been expanded to include a farmworker labor housing study, a community plan for Pescadero, and a rezoning of 126 parcels for residential development. The county’s goal is to build 2,833 homes by 2031, with 60% allocated for low- to moderate-income earners. The plan is expected to receive certification from state regulators, ensuring compliance with housing laws.

Los Gatos Eases Story Pole Requirements to Facilitate Housing Construction

Los Gatos Town Council has voted to ease story pole requirements following guidance from the state’s Department of Housing and Community Development. The requirement was identified as a constraint to new housing construction and could hinder approval of the town’s Housing Element. The revised policy will limit the scenarios in which story poles are required, allowing signage for certain residential projects. The council also requested further revisions to the notification policy for new developments.

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