Sepsis: A Silent Killer Demystified

Sepsis, a life-threatening condition triggered by an overactive immune response to infection, poses a significant global health challenge. This article explores the complexities of sepsis, highlighting its causes, risk factors, and the critical importance of early detection. Dr. Sandeep Dewan, a leading expert in critical care, sheds light on the challenges associated with sepsis, emphasizing the need for improved awareness and timely intervention.

Brain Stem Neurons Regulate Inflammation

Scientists have discovered that neurons in the brain stem act as a master regulator of inflammation. In the early stages of an infection, these neurons promote a pro-inflammatory response to combat pathogens. Once the infection is cleared, the neurons suppress inflammation to prevent damage to healthy cells. This feedback loop suggests that drugs targeting these brain stem neurons could be used to treat inflammatory diseases.

Could Rubbing Neosporin in Your Nose Prevent Colds and the Flu?

A new study suggests that applying Neosporin ointment to the inside of the nose may help protect against respiratory viruses like those that cause COVID-19 and the flu. The study found that Neosporin triggers an immune response that creates a barrier against viruses. However, more research is needed to confirm whether this approach is effective in preventing infections in humans.

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