Palestine’s Quest for UN Membership: Stalled by Veto Politics

Palestine’s relentless pursuit of full membership in the United Nations remains hindered by geopolitical calculations, primarily influenced by the United States’ veto power in the UN Security Council. Despite the General Assembly’s reaffirmation of Palestine’s eligibility, the path to membership continues to be obstructed by the procedural requirement for Security Council recommendation. While India and other countries support Palestine’s application, the US’s consistent vetoes and apprehension from China and Russia over potential precedents cloud the prospects for Palestine’s full recognition as a UN member state.

India Backs UNGA Resolution on Palestine’s Full Membership

On Friday, India supported a UN General Assembly resolution affirming Palestine’s eligibility and recommending its admission as a full member. This move follows the US veto of a similar Security Council resolution in April. The resolution emphasizes Palestine’s compliance with UN Charter requirements and urges the Security Council to reconsider the matter positively. Notably, India has a long history of recognizing Palestine, having established diplomatic relations since 1974.

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