BALMUNG, a brand known for its unique take on Tokyo’s evolving cultural landscape, presented its first official runway show at Tokyo Fashion Week. The show, titled ‘movement / circle,’ showcased a diverse range of models and a distinct aesthetic that blends the grit of the city with a futuristic edge. The event served as a platform to spotlight emerging artists in Tokyo’s indie electronic music scene, highlighting the brand’s commitment to capturing the dynamism of youth culture.
Results for: Indie Music
Porij’s ‘Teething’ album, their debut full-length effort, represents a significant evolution for the Manchester quartet. Expanding their sound beyond the euphoric blend of alternative and indie that characterized their earlier releases, ‘Teething’ incorporates darker elements, ethereal arrangements, and intricate production techniques. Despite a lineup change, the band maintains their dance-inducing energy while exploring more mature themes of love, relationships, and personal growth.