2024 World Indigenous Tourism Summit Attracts 600 Participants from 27 Countries

The 2024 World Indigenous Tourism Summit (WITS) opened grandly on April 16 in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, attracting about 600 participants from 27 countries and regions. This summit focused on the theme of ‘Sustainable Tourism of Culture and Ecology,’ aimed at implementing the ‘United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples’ (UNDRIP) and promoting the concept of ‘responsible tourism.’

2024 World Indigenous Tourism Summit Convenes in Taiwan, Highlighting Cultural and Ecological Sustainability

The 2024 World Indigenous Tourism Summit (WITS) opened grandly in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, attracting over 600 participants from 27 countries and regions. The summit aims to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and promote responsible tourism practices that protect cultural heritage and natural ecosystems while fostering economic benefits for Indigenous communities.

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