Newt Gingrich: ‘Strong Families Are Cornerstone of Strong Nation’ – Dr. Ben Carson’s Solution

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Dr. Ben Carson warn about the perils of a declining family unit, citing statistics and historical examples. They argue that a return to traditional family values is crucial to prevent the breakdown of society and the erosion of America’s core principles. The article highlights the need for parental involvement in education, the dangers of indoctrination in schools, and the growing popularity of homeschooling as parents seek alternatives.

Failed Gen X: Neglect and Indoctrination Fuel Campus Unrest

Gen X, known for its lack of involvement in major historical events, bears some responsibility for the current campus unrest. As parents and educators, Gen Xers prioritized protecting their children over instilling discipline and critical thinking. They failed to notice the indoctrination taking place in classrooms and supported university leaders who promoted trendy and divisive ideologies. As a result, many young adults today are unprepared for real life, struggle with mental health issues, and perpetrate campus protests that disregard civil discourse.

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