Taliban Enforces Sweeping Morality Law Curtailing Women’s Rights in Afghanistan

The Taliban’s supreme leader, Hibatullah Akhundzada, has issued a new morality law in Afghanistan, imposing severe restrictions on women’s rights and codifying a strict interpretation of Islamic law. The law dictates strict dress codes, limits women’s public appearances, and prohibits various activities deemed un-Islamic. The international community and human rights groups have condemned the law, expressing concern for the future of Afghan women.

Taliban Bans Mixed Martial Arts in Afghanistan, Citing Islamic Law

The Taliban government in Afghanistan has banned mixed martial arts (MMA), deeming it incompatible with Islamic law. This decision comes after an investigation by the Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, which found MMA to be too violent and potentially harmful. The ban is part of the Taliban’s strict interpretation of Islamic law, which has seen other restrictions implemented since their return to power in 2021.

Iran’s Nuclear Doctrine: Prohibiting Weapons of Mass Destruction

Despite ongoing conflict, Iran’s fatwa-based nuclear doctrine remains firm in prohibiting the production and use of nuclear weapons. This stance is rooted in Islamic law, emphasizing the protection of life, the environment, and humane warfare principles. Iran advocates for non-proliferation and has consistently adhered to signed agreements. The concept of taqiyya does not apply to weapons of mass destruction due to their potential to endanger humanity.

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