The Escalating Threat to Jewish Safety on College Campuses

Elite universities have become breeding grounds for left-wing radicalism, fostering an environment where Jewish students feel unsafe due to unchecked promotion of genocidal jihadism and anti-Semitism. This trend, spurred by the ideology of cultural Marxism and the alliance between Western leftists and Islamic supremacists, threatens not only Jews but all Americans. Unless drastic measures are taken, including the expulsion of hateful students, rejection of foreign funding, and dismantling of DEI infrastructure, the situation will only worsen, with potentially devastating consequences for American society.

London Police Commissioner Defends Officer’s Conduct in Jewish Safety Concerns

London Police Commissioner Mark Rowley defended an officer who prevented a Jewish man from crossing the street during a pro-Palestinian protest, saying he was trying to prevent a confrontation. Rowley apologized for the officer’s remark that the man looked “openly Jewish,” but said the officer’s actions were professional and in the best tradition of British police trying to prevent disorder. The commissioner also said that pro-Palestinian protesters have been prevented from entering Jewish areas of the city to prevent altercations, and that the protests have made the streets of London “a no-go zone for Jews every weekend.” British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said he still has confidence in Rowley, who met with senior members of the London Jewish community, the London Mayor, and the British Home Secretary to discuss the concerns.

GOP Senators Demand National Guard Deployment at Universities for Jewish Protection

GOP Senators Josh Hawley and Tom Cotton have urged President Biden to deploy the National Guard to college campuses, particularly Columbia University, due to ongoing pro-Palestinian protests and sit-ins. Hawley compared the situation to the Little Rock Nine incident, while Cotton called for disbanding such groups and invoking the Insurrection Act if necessary. Columbia has switched to remote classes to address the escalating tensions, but arrests and suspensions have not fully quelled the protests, which have also spread to other universities.

Columbia Student: Campus Not Safe for Jews Amid Anti-Israel Protests

Anti-Israel demonstrations have surged on elite university campuses, sparking concerns about Jewish safety. Columbia University has witnessed antisemitic rhetoric and threats against Jewish students, prompting a WhatsApp message from a rabbi advising them to stay home due to inadequate security. Police made arrests at Columbia and Yale, but students continued to protest, highlighting the need for universities to address antisemitism and promote a safe environment for all members of their community.

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