Academy Award-winning director Ron Howard’s upcoming documentary, “Jim Henson Idea Man,” takes a comprehensive look at the life and legacy of legendary puppeteer, filmmaker, and creator Jim Henson. Featuring unseen archival footage, personal interviews, and commentary from celebrities who were inspired by Henson, the film explores Henson’s passion for innovation and creativity. The documentary premieres on Disney+ on May 31, 2023.
Results for: Jim Henson
An upcoming documentary about the life of Jim Henson, the creator of the Muppets, is coming to Disney+ on May 31. The film, directed by Ron Howard, is described as “an unprecedented, intimate look at Henson’s illustrious, revolutionary career and complex personal life.” It will feature never-before-seen personal archival home movies, photographs, sketches, and Henson’s personal diaries, as well as interviews with those who knew him best.