Montana College Athletes Offered Cash for Jon Tester Endorsements

A group called ‘Montana Together’ is offering college athletes in Montana payments in exchange for promoting Sen. Jon Tester’s re-election campaign. The offers, ranging from $400 to $2,400, have sparked controversy and accusations of unethical practices. Tester’s campaign claims to have no knowledge of the group’s actions, while Republicans are using the incident to highlight Tester’s support for transgender athletes in women’s sports.

Tester Backs Laken Riley Act After Filibustering Similar Measure

Democratic Senator Jon Tester of Montana has reversed his previous opposition to the Laken Riley Act, a bill named after a college student who was murdered by an illegal immigrant. Tester’s change of heart comes as he faces a tough re-election battle and amid increasing pressure to strengthen border security. Despite previously helping to block the measure, Tester now claims that his support stems from the concerns of Montana law enforcement officials.

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