A new documentary explores the life and legacy of model and actress Anita Pallenberg, featuring previously unreleased footage from a 1968 boating trip she took with her then-boyfriend Keith Richards, as well as Mick Jagger and his girlfriend at the time, Marianne Faithfull. The film, titled ‘Catching Fire: The Story of Anita Pallenberg,’ arrives in theaters on May 3rd and will be available digitally the same day. Narrated by Scarlett Johansson reading from Pallenberg’s unpublished memoirs, the documentary promises an intimate look at Pallenberg’s life, including her relationships with Richards and Jagger, her experiences as a muse for the Rolling Stones, and her own struggles with addiction and mental illness. With interviews from Marlon and Angela Richards, as well as Keith Richards himself, the film aims to shed light on the complex and enigmatic figure of Anita Pallenberg.