Kevin McCarthy’s Shadow Looms Over House Funding Talks

Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s deal with President Biden is still playing a decisive role in the latest government funding talks, despite his departure from Congress. The Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA) sets spending caps that are constraining negotiators and raising concerns among defense hawks about the impact on national security. House Appropriations Committee Chairman Tom Cole says the FRA is “the law” and will guide their spending plans, but some members express concerns about the challenges it poses. House GOP leaders are aiming to pass all 12 spending bills before the September 30 deadline, despite the constraints imposed by the FRA.

House GOP Rebels Hesitant to Embrace Push to Oust Speaker Mike Johnson

Despite previous efforts to remove former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, a new push to oust current House Speaker Mike Johnson is facing resistance from House GOP rebels. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has announced her intention to force a vote on Johnson’s removal, but her efforts have largely fallen flat within the House GOP. The rebels who voted to remove McCarthy are hesitant to go through another speaker election, especially in an election year when anything can happen. While some rebels express disappointment in Johnson’s performance, they are not eager to support Greene’s motion to vacate the chair.

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