The first season of the Korean thriller-drama series ‘Wonderful World’ follows a successful psychology professor and writer whose life is turned upside down by her son’s tragic death. She embarks on a dangerous journey to uncover the truth, facing obstacles from the justice system. The series stars Kim Nam-ju, Cha Eun Woo, and Won Hee-lee.
Results for: Korean Drama
Park Hae Soo is reportedly considering an offer to star in the upcoming drama ‘The Price of Confession,’ which also features Kim Go Eun and Jeon Do Yeon in potential lead roles. The series, directed by Lee Jung Hyo, follows the interplay between two women amidst a murder investigation.
In the upcoming episode 13 of the South Korean horror comedy series ‘The Midnight Studio,’ starring Joo Won and Kwon Nara, the lives of the lead characters, Seo Ki-Joo and Han Bom, will be in grave danger. As the evil ghost gains strength and possesses police officer Lee Seon-Ho, it becomes determined to eliminate both Ki-Joo and Han Bom. The trailer for this highly anticipated episode offers a glimpse into the intense action and suspense that viewers can expect.
Episode 19 of the hit drama ‘Soo-Ji and Woo-Ri’ featured a dramatic confrontation between Hahm Eun-Jung and Kang Byul. The love triangle between Soo-Ji, Woo-Ri, and Shin Jung-Yoon took center stage, while Na-Young made a bold move to express her feelings. Stay tuned for more updates on this captivating series.