Karnataka IT Minister Clarifies 14-Hour Workday Proposal, Addressing Concerns

Karnataka IT Minister Priyank Kharge has addressed concerns regarding a proposed amendment to extend working hours for IT employees to 14 hours, stating that there is a misconception about the bill and that he is willing to provide further clarity to the media. The proposal has sparked controversy, with the Karnataka State IT/ITeS Employees’ Union (KITU) expressing opposition and allegations of pressure from the IT industry on the government.

Greece Embraces Six-Day Work Week Amidst Economic Crisis, While Europe Explores Shorter Work Schedules

Greece’s decision to introduce a six-day work week, effective July 1st, stands in stark contrast to the trend towards shorter work weeks across Europe. The move comes as the country struggles to recover from years of economic hardship, while other nations like Germany and Spain are experimenting with four-day work weeks to improve work-life balance and address labor shortages.

Employer’s Ridiculous Late Policy Draws TikTok’s Ire for Violating Labor Laws

A new late policy implemented by an employer has sparked outrage on TikTok, with users highlighting the employer’s disregard for labor laws and the potential consequences they face. The policy requires employees to work 10 minutes past 6 pm for every minute they are late for work, which critics argue is unreasonable and unfair. TikToker Callie voiced her concerns, pointing out that the policy could lead to overtime pay and potential legal trouble for the employer. Commenters suggested ways to challenge the rule, such as arriving early to leave earlier, while others warned of labor law violations and wage theft. According to legal experts, employers cannot force employees to work past their scheduled shifts without compensation.

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