Sandeshkhali Row: Women Withdraw Allegations, Alleging Signature Forgery

The Sandeshkhali land grab and sexual harassment case took a dramatic turn as two women withdrew their allegations against TMC leader Shahjahan Sheikh. Purported videos surfaced, alleging BJP leaders forced the women to sign blank papers used to file false rape complaints. TMC MP Sagarika Ghosh filed a complaint with the Election Commission, blaming BJP for conspiring to fabricate the allegations. The women now claim they were misled and paid to make false statements. The controversy unfolds as the riverine area of Sandeshkhali gained attention following protests by women against TMC and BJP leaders.

CBI Registers First Case in West Bengal’s Sandeshkhali Land Grab, Assault Probe

In response to allegations of land grabbing and sexual assault in Sandeshkhali, West Bengal, the CBI has registered its first case. The Calcutta High Court had ordered a CBI investigation, prompting the agency to dispatch a team to verify the claims. Following preliminary verification, the CBI has filed an FIR based on the allegations of land grabbing and assault against women. The agency is also tasked with investigating the conversion of agricultural land to water bodies for pisciculture and is expected to submit a comprehensive report to the High Court at the next hearing on May 2.

CBI Probe Ordered into Sandeshkhali Allegations

The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has registered a First Information Report (FIR) to investigate allegations of extortion, land grab, and sexual assault in Sandeshkhali, West Bengal, following an order from the Calcutta High Court. The FIR names five accused individuals, while others remain unknown at this time. The allegations stem from protests led by women against local politician Sheikh Shahjahan and his associates, who have been accused of sexual misconduct and land-grabbing. Shahjahan was arrested in February and remains in custody.

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