Hollywood Star and LGBT Advocate Marcia Harden to be Honored at GLSEN’s Respect Awards

Marcia Harden, an Academy Award-winning actress and LGBTQ advocate, will be recognized for her unwavering commitment to the LGBTQ community at GLSEN’s upcoming Respect Awards. The star will receive an advocate award at the April 29 fundraiser, which aims to raise funds for GLSEN’s essential student programs, including the Rainbow Library initiative. Harden’s activism stems from her personal connection to the LGBTQ community, as the mother of three children who identify and advocate for the community. The actress has consistently used her platform to amplify LGBTQ voices and advocate for inclusive legislation. The Respect Awards will also honor community leader Brad Baumoel, Republic Records, and student advocate Sophia T., alongside Harden and other esteemed individuals.

California Judge Weighs Dispute Over Proposed Transgender Youth Measure Title

A California judge is considering a legal challenge to the title and summary of a proposed ballot measure that would require schools to notify parents if their child requests to change their gender identity. State Attorney General Rob Bonta released the wording for the measure, titling it the “Restrict Rights of Transgender Youth” initiative, while backers want it changed to the “Protect Kids of California Act.” The dispute centers on whether the word “restrict” accurately reflects the intent of the proposed measure, which would also ban transgender girls from participating in girls’ and women’s sports and prohibit gender-affirming surgeries for minors. The judge indicated that he may deny the request to change the wording, saying the attorney general’s description is accurate.

Court Rejects ‘Protect Kids California’ Ballot Initiative Language

A judge has rejected the ballot language for an initiative that would limit the rights of transgender students in California. The initiative, proposed by the group ‘Protect Kids California’, would require schools to notify parents if a student identifies as transgender, ban gender-affirming care for those under 18, and place other restrictions on transgender students. Attorney General Rob Bonta gave the initiative a new name and summary, making it harder for the group to collect signatures and donations. The group sued for a name they said would be more reflective of the initiative’s goals, but the judge ruled against them. The group is now exploring other options, including an appeal.

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