Ola to Switch from Microsoft Azure to Own Krutrim Cloud After LinkedIn Post Deletion

Ola co-founder Bhavish Aggarwal announced that the EV maker will move its workload from Microsoft Azure to its own Krutrim cloud after LinkedIn deleted several of his posts criticizing neutral pronouns. Aggarwal’s decision stems from his belief that the pronouns issue is a “woke political ideology of entitlement” that does not belong in India. LinkedIn’s actions have led him to conclude that the platform presumes Indians need to have pronouns in their lives and cannot criticize it.

Gujarat Company Clarifies: No Bar on Marathi Applicants

In response to backlash, ITCODE Infotech of Surat has distanced itself from a controversial LinkedIn post barring Marathi applicants for a job. The company has called the post “hateful” and stated that the freelance HR who shared it is not affiliated with ITCODE. The freelance HR has since apologized and updated her LinkedIn profile, and ITCODE has clarified that it has not posted any job requirements recently.

Outrage over Job Posting Excluding Marathi People in Mumbai

A recent job posting on LinkedIn sparked outrage after it specified that Marathi people were not welcome to apply. The now-deleted post has drawn criticism for its discriminatory hiring requirement, with many social media users highlighting the bias and discrimination faced by Marathi people in job markets. Hiring bias, which includes discrimination based on factors unrelated to qualifications or job performance, has been a persistent issue, leading to calls for action to combat such practices.

LinkedIn CEO’s Confrontational Message Sparks Controversy

A LinkedIn connection request escalated into a public confrontation when Carlos Pantoja, CEO of Optima Solutions, sent a threatening message to Ali Schwanke, founder of Simple Strat. Schwanke exposed the exchange by posting a screenshot, which quickly went viral. Pantoja’s message warned Schwanke not to poach his employees, ending sarcastically with ‘With much love.’ Schwanke chose not to censor the names involved, calling the threat ‘unwarranted.’ The post gained significant attention, sparking debates about professional networking etiquette and leadership styles.

LinkedIn Outperforms Twitter/X in Usage and Revenue, Attracting Former Twitter Users

LinkedIn has emerged as a formidable competitor in the Twitter alternatives market, with steady growth in both web traffic and app usage. Since Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter in 2022, LinkedIn’s web traffic has increased by 18%, while Twitter/X has experienced a 10% decline. LinkedIn’s worldwide Android app usage has also seen a rise of 14% since November 2022, while X’s has decreased by 20%. The social network’s focus on introducing features like games and short-form videos aligns with its strategy to capture the attention of former Twitter users, particularly Gen Z. LinkedIn’s mobile app revenue has also outpaced that of both Twitter/X and Snapchat, reaching a record $119 million in the first quarter of 2024. This growth highlights LinkedIn’s continued relevance as a professional networking platform and its ability to compete effectively in the evolving social media landscape.

12 Questions to Excel in Your Next Job Interview: Expert Insights

A LinkedIn founder has shared a comprehensive list of 12 essential questions that can empower candidates to excel in their job interviews. This cheat sheet provides practical guidance and insights to help individuals effectively present their skills and qualifications. Each question is accompanied by an explanation highlighting its significance in showcasing the candidate’s capabilities and alignment with the company’s objectives.

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