Following the heartbreaking death of Samantha Davis, wife of actor Warwick Davis, the family has launched a JustGiving page named ‘Sammy’s Helping Hands’ to raise funds for Little People UK, an organization close to Samantha’s heart. The page aims to continue the legacy of Samantha’s passion for helping younger members of the dwarfism community, especially school-aged children. As of writing, the page has already gathered almost £15,000 for the charity.
Results for: Little People UK
Warwick Davis’ children have reassured fans that their father is taking a break from social media after he posted a worrying message following the death of his wife, Samantha. Samantha passed away on March 24, 2024. Warwick’s children, Annabelle and Harrison, have set up a JustGiving page called Sammy’s Helping Hands to raise funds for Little People UK in her memory.
Warwick Davis has apologized for causing concern with a recent message posted shortly after announcing his wife’s passing. Davis expressed gratitude for fans’ support while clarifying his time away from social media. Family and friends paid tribute to Sammy Davis, a co-founder of Little People UK, whose passing left a profound loss within the community.