The fourth installment in the hit action film series “The Outlaws,” “The Roundup : Punishment,” has achieved remarkable success at the box office, surpassing 1 million moviegoers just two days after its release on April 25, 2024. This marks the fastest a film released this year has reached this milestone.
Results for: Ma Dong Seok
The fourth installment in the popular Korean franchise, The Roundup: Punishment, has shattered the all-time opening day presales record in its home market. As of Wednesday morning local time, the crime actioner had sold over 834,000 tickets, accounting for 95.5% of all sales. This surpasses the franchise’s previous best of 640,000 presales for The Roundup: No Way Out in 2023.
The Korean Business Research Institute has unveiled the monthly brand reputation rankings for South Korean film actors, with Son Suk Ku emerging as the most popular star in April based on consumer participation, media coverage, interaction, and community awareness. Ma Dong Seok, Choi Min Sik, Park Ji Hwan, and Lee Byung Hun followed close behind in the top five rankings.