FIR Filed against Individual for Uploading AI-Generated Political Video featuring Ranveer Singh

Maharashtra Police’s cyber cell has registered an FIR against an individual for uploading an AI-generated video featuring actor Ranveer Singh endorsing a political party. The video, which was manipulated from Ranveer’s recent interview in Varanasi, sparked concerns about the proliferation of deepfake videos. Ranveer’s father, Jagjit Singh Bhavnani, filed a complaint alleging that the video was false and that Ranveer has no affiliation with any political party. The FIR underscores the severity of the offense and highlights the potential impact of deepfake technology on public opinion.

Ranveer Singh Denies Deepfake Video, FIR Filed Against User

A First Information Report (FIR) has been filed against an unidentified individual for allegedly uploading a deepfake video featuring actor Ranveer Singh. The video, which has since been removed, appeared to show Singh endorsing a political party. However, Singh’s father has stated that the actor never made such a statement and has no affiliation with any political organization.

Maoist with Rs 1.5 Lakh Bounty Arrested in Maharashtra Ahead of Lok Sabha Elections

During the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, Maharashtra Police arrested Dilip Motiram Pendam, a known Maoist with a bounty of Rs 1.5 lakh on his head. Pendam was apprehended in the Bhamragad region while suspiciously wandering among villages and woodlands. He is accused of crimes such as laying claymore mines and pressure cooker bombs to attack security forces and steal their guns and ammo. Additionally, the police have launched a public awareness campaign to increase voter turnout in the Naxal-affected district of Gadchiroli, Maharashtra. The campaign aims to educate locals about the importance of voting and to achieve 100% voter turnout in the area.

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