The relentless Galactic War in Helldivers 2 continues, with the Automatons and Terminids showing no signs of slowing down. Despite the Helldivers’ efforts, new threats emerge, such as The Illuminate, threatening to prolong the conflict indefinitely. A Reddit user raises concerns about the war’s ultimate futility, arguing that the inability to fail or succeed meaningfully undermines the effort. As the latest Major Order faces failure, the question arises: is the Galactic War destined to be an endless, pointless cycle?
Results for: Major Orders
In the midst of a heated battle for democracy, Game Master Joel has quietly provided aid to players by reducing the decay rate. However, the fate of democracy ultimately rests in the hands of the players, who must strategize and work together to succeed. Developers Arrowhead Game Studios are implementing improvements to provide more information and facilitate decision-making, but the responsibility lies with players to prioritize and collaborate effectively.