INS Mumbai Makes Historic First Visit to Sri Lanka, Deepening Maritime Cooperation

INS Mumbai, a prominent Indian Navy warship, has arrived in Colombo for a three-day visit, marking its first-ever port call in Sri Lanka. This visit signifies a significant milestone in India-Sri Lanka naval relations and highlights the growing maritime cooperation between the two nations. The visit includes various activities aimed at enhancing mutual understanding, sharing operational practices, and fostering goodwill, including a familiarization tour, joint activities, and the delivery of spare parts for Sri Lankan maritime patrol aircraft.

Maldives Foreign Minister Moosa Zameer Visits India for Bilateral Talks

On April 8, Moosa Zameer, the Foreign Minister of the Maldives, arrived in India for an official visit. Zameer expressed his anticipation for productive discussions and experiencing India’s vibrant culture. The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) welcomed Zameer’s visit and stated that discussions on bilateral and regional issues were scheduled. The visit is a testament to the close maritime cooperation between India and the Maldives, and it is expected to further strengthen bilateral ties.

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