Slovakia’s Controversial Media Overhaul Raises Concerns of Censorship

The Slovak government’s plan to overhaul state TV and radio has sparked widespread criticism, with fears that the move could result in full government control of the public broadcaster. Prime Minister Robert Fico claims that the broadcaster, RTVS, is politically biased and in conflict with the government. However, journalists, the opposition, and international organizations have condemned the proposed changes, which would replace RTVS with a new organization, STVR. The plan, drafted by Culture Minister Martina Šimkovičová, has been criticized for giving too much power to the government over the broadcaster’s director and content.

Indian Government Accused of Targeting Foreign Journalists

The Indian government has been accused of targeting foreign journalists and restricting their work, raising concerns about press freedom in the country. The case of Avani Dias, a correspondent for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, has sparked outrage after she was denied a visa extension after reporting on sensitive issues. French journalist Vanessa Dougnac also faced similar pressure, leading to her departure from India. Foreign journalists in India often face harassment and pressure, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists, and the government’s use of visa regulations as a tool of repression is seen as a violation of journalists’ rights.

Meta Spokesperson Convicted and Sentenced to Six Years in Absentia by Russian Court

A Russian court has convicted and sentenced Andy Stone, the spokesperson for Meta, to six years in prison in absentia for justifying terrorism. The charges stem from Stone’s comments in 2022 following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, in which he announced temporary changes to Meta’s hate speech policy to allow for certain forms of political expression that would normally violate the company’s rules. The Russian authorities have since outlawed Meta as an extremist organization and blocked Facebook and Instagram in Russia. Stone, who is based in the United States, was initially charged with calling for terrorist activity, public calls for extremist activity, and publicly justifying terrorism, but the first two charges were dropped in the final version of the indictment.

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