Social Media’s Unprecedented Impact on Indian Elections

In the upcoming 2024 Indian elections, social media has emerged as a pivotal force, shaping political narratives and influencing voter behavior. Unlike previous elections, the proliferation of alternate viewpoints and critical voices on platforms like YouTube and Instagram has created a cognitive dissonance with the government’s narrative. This shift is primarily due to the traditional media’s increasing bias and echo chamber effect, which has led audiences to seek credible information from other sources.

Slovakia’s Government Approves Controversial Media Overhaul

The Slovakian government has approved an overhaul of the country’s public radio and television services, a move that critics say would result in the government taking full control of the media. The proposed changes would replace the current public broadcaster, RTVS, with a new organization. The takeover plan was drafted by Culture Minister Martina Šimkovičová, who has worked for an internet television outlet known for spreading disinformation. The new broadcaster will have a director selected by a council whose nine members will be nominated by the Culture Ministry and Parliament. Prime Minister Robert Fico has been known for his tirades against journalists and has labeled several media outlets as his enemies.

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