Michael Captain, known affectionately as “Mikey,” tragically lost his life in a devastating car crash in Milwaukee on Saturday night. The crash occurred when the car he was riding in collided with a bus at North 35th Street and Wisconsin Avenue. According to Milwaukee Police, the driver of the car ignored a red light, resulting in the fatal accident. The impact of the crash was so severe that passengers on the bus were thrown about violently. Witnesses and family members have expressed their shock and grief over the loss of Michael, who was remembered as a devoted father and a kind-hearted individual who always put others before himself. The incident comes amidst a concerning rise in reckless driving incidents involving buses in Milwaukee, with two fatal crashes occurring within 48 hours.
Results for: Michael Captain
Michael Captain, 31, was identified as the passenger killed in a deadly crash involving a car and a Milwaukee County Transit bus. The crash occurred at North 35th Street and Wisconsin Avenue on Saturday evening. The car disregarded a red light and slammed into the bus, injuring nine people. Captain’s family and friends gathered at the scene to mourn his loss, describing him as funny, outgoing, and loved by all.