Mob Psycho 100, a captivating anime series created by ONE (the renowned mangaka behind One Punch Man), has recently graced the Netflix library. This hilarious and thought-provoking show follows the journey of Mob, an unassuming middle-schooler who possesses extraordinary psychic powers. Amidst his unique abilities and the antics of his con-artist boss, Mob finds himself entangled in bizarre and often chaotic situations. To manage his immense power, he practices strict emotional control, but as the series progresses, his struggle becomes increasingly challenging, leading to laugh-out-loud situations. Despite its comedic undertones, Mob Psycho 100 explores deeper themes and features a compelling cast of characters. With both seasons now streaming on Netflix in the US and UK, this anime is a must-watch for fans of the genre and anyone seeking a fresh and entertaining series.
Results for: Middle School
A 12-year-old girl was attacked with a metal Stanley mug by a classmate at Pennbrook Middle School in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, last week. The victim was beaten unprovoked by a 13-year-old boy, who had reportedly been a concern prior to the attack. The school was placed on temporary lockdown while police and medical personnel responded to the scene. The victim was released from the hospital and is recovering at home, while the 13-year-old suspect is facing multiple charges, including aggravated assault.