Taiwan’s Defense Expert: China Fears Trump’s Re-Election Amidst Possible Invasion Threat

According to Dr. Ming-Shih Shen of Taiwan’s Institute for National Defense and Security Research, China would be apprehensive about the possibility of Donald Trump’s presidency due to his potential for a robust response to an invasion of Taiwan. The Chinese government may perceive President Biden’s policies as more subdued than those of Trump, who was surrounded by China hawks such as Mike Pompeo and Matthew Pottinger. While Taiwan appreciates the efforts of both Trump and Biden, some of Trump’s statements, such as his claim that Taiwan’s semiconductor industry is depriving the U.S. of jobs, have raised concerns.

Terrorist Concerns at Southern Border Reach Record High amid Surge of Chinese Nationals

The southern border of the United States has witnessed an alarming rise in terrorist concerns, with over 3,500 Chinese nationals and hundreds of individuals from other countries crossing illegally in May. The influx of Chinese nationals has skyrocketed since 2021, with over 24,000 encounters recorded in the current fiscal year. This increase raises concerns about potential national security threats. The crisis at the border continues to be a major issue, with approximately 118,000 migrants apprehended in May. The administration calls for congressional reform and has implemented measures to deal with individuals who exploit the asylum system. Republicans attribute the crisis to the rollback of Trump-era policies and have proposed legislation to address the problem.

China’s ‘Espionage in Plain Sight’: Thousands of Chinese Nationals Crossing Southern Border Raise National Security Concerns

In recent months, there has been a surge in Chinese nationals crossing the southern border into the United States. According to Rep. Greg Steube, R-Fla., over 30,000 Chinese nationals have entered the country since October. This has raised concerns about increased migration from across the world and the potential for espionage and intelligence gathering by China.

Kevin McCarthy’s Shadow Looms Over House Funding Talks

Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s deal with President Biden is still playing a decisive role in the latest government funding talks, despite his departure from Congress. The Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA) sets spending caps that are constraining negotiators and raising concerns among defense hawks about the impact on national security. House Appropriations Committee Chairman Tom Cole says the FRA is “the law” and will guide their spending plans, but some members express concerns about the challenges it poses. House GOP leaders are aiming to pass all 12 spending bills before the September 30 deadline, despite the constraints imposed by the FRA.

Invasion at the Southern Border: America’s Security at Stake

The Southern border of the United States is facing a humanitarian crisis, law and order breakdown, and an invasion of illegal crossings. Despite warnings from officials and evidence of threats, the Biden administration refuses to address the issue. The invasion is aided by NGOs and the Biden administration, who prioritize open borders over national security. Single adult males from hostile nations are crossing the border in increasing numbers, posing threats to the country. The Biden administration’s appeasement strategy and opposition to state efforts to secure the border are a dereliction of duty. Public polling indicates that border security is a top concern for voters, who support mass deportations and candidates committed to securing the border.

Deterrence, Team Trump, and the American Future

Former President Trump must demonstrate his commitment to restoring American deterrence by surrounding himself with a team of respected and experienced national security professionals. By releasing a list of potential appointees for key positions, Trump can reassure voters and expedite the return of “peace through strength.” The Republican Party should unite behind Trump and prioritize rebuilding America’s defenses and deterring foreign aggression. Trump’s return to the White House could signify the restoration of American leadership and the strengthening of alliances around the world.

ISIS-K Threat Grows as Biden’s Border Policies Pose National Security Risk

The United States faces a growing threat from ISIS-K, an offshoot of the terrorist group al Qaeda. The Biden administration’s lax immigration policies are facilitating the illegal entry of individuals affiliated with ISIS-K and other terrorist organizations into the country. This poses a significant risk to national security, as these individuals could potentially carry out attacks on U.S. soil. The administration must take immediate action to secure the border and enforce immigration laws to protect American lives.

US to Impose 100% Tariffs on Chinese Electric Vehicles

The United States is set to impose a 100% tariff on electric vehicles imported from China, according to a report from the Financial Times. This move, if implemented, would represent a significant escalation in the ongoing trade war between the two countries. The tariffs, which would be a four-fold increase from the existing 25%, come after US officials expressed concerns about China’s “overcapacity” in electric vehicle manufacturing, which they believe poses a threat to US jobs and national security. The move, which comes ahead of November’s US presidential election, is seen as a way for Democrats to showcase their tough stance on China.

Biden Administration to Impose Major Tariffs on Chinese Imports, Including Electric Vehicles and Green Energy Products

The Biden administration is preparing to impose significant new tariffs on a wide range of products imported from China, including electric vehicles, semiconductors, solar equipment, and medical supplies. This move comes amidst growing concerns within the administration about China’s manufacturing overcapacity and the potential threat it poses to U.S. jobs and national security. The tariffs, which are expected to be announced on Tuesday, will quadruple the current 25% tariff on electric vehicles to 100%. They will also cover a range of other products, including Chinese syringes and solar equipment. The administration is also reviewing the Trump-era tariffs on $360 billion worth of Chinese goods, and there is the risk that the new tariffs could lead to a broader trade conflict between the two countries.

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