US Citizenship Applications Processed at Record Speed: Is It Politics or Efficiency?

The Biden administration has accelerated the processing of naturalization applications, leading to a record number of immigrants becoming U.S. citizens. Some critics argue this is a political tactic to boost voter turnout, while the administration claims it’s due to operational improvements. This article examines the arguments on both sides and analyzes the potential impact of this trend on the upcoming elections.

The Weight of the Word ‘Deport’ and Its Impact on Immigrants in America

The term ‘deport’ carries a heavy burden for immigrants in the United States, casting a shadow over their sense of belonging despite their contributions to society. Despite taking the oath of allegiance, immigrants face ongoing threats of deportation, undermining their loyalty and the pursuit of the American dream. This fear holds them back from fully participating in civic life, creating a sense of vulnerability and questioning their right to be in the country they now call home.

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